Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This cracks me up. It is difficult to get everyone on the same page for our photo shoots.

Gma, Pa and the grandkids.
Kate did not want her picture taken.

This is the best we could get.

Monday, December 20, 2010


This is splash mountain. She says it was her favorite ride? Looks like it.

We just got back from Disneyland. It was so much fun. Kate is just over 40inches tall and could ride all but 3 rides in both parks. So yes we took her on all the scary rides.

These other pics are just some of my favorites. Kate is growing up too fast. She is very independent. She is also very strong-willed. We are working on sharing, being kind to others and obeying mom and dad. Its not easy for any of us somedays. But she is loving and kind and very social. Kate loves to play with mom; princesses, blocks, coloring and she loves to help me cook. She also helps dad in the garage working on the car and truck. She can be happy and laughing one minute and crying the next or vise versa so yes we have a little drama queen. I tell her she is my princess and she says no mom I am Kate Abigail Huebner. So funny. I guess she is just our perfect little 3 and a half year old.

Finally snow that sticks. It was perfect for building our snow family. We had to get carrots for the nose the eyes are rocks and the mouths wood chips.

Here is a link to Kate's first dance recital. She was awesome.

DANCE Recital 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Autumn TIme

New Booster.
"mom I need to take a picture of the sunset"

Play date

Sunday, October 31, 2010

More October fun...


This cute fairy is Terrance from the Tinker Bell Movies. He is showing us how to fly. Terrence is a pixie dust fairy.

After surveying the entire neighborhood the majority said Troy looked 10 years younger with hair. This was very important to him.

Silver Mist and Tinker Bell.

At dad's work party Trick or Treating.

This is Kate's Preschool Class. Her teacher is awesome. She also loves Halloween.

This little Fairy did not want her picture taken.

These two decided to draw with markers all over their face and arms. It is hard to see though.

Monday, October 25, 2010


October has gone by way too fast. Kate is loving preschool. Her teacher is so creative and that is perfect for Kate. She comes home singing new songs and playing new games she has learned there. Dance class, well,I know she likes going there. But I sadly have to admit she is the child that when they say run in a circle this way. She automatically goes "that" way. She takes cuts, and is usually trying to take off some part of her outfit. We haven't gotten naked yet, but it has been close. She often comes running out and tells me she just needs to give me a kiss and a hug. She has such a fun personality. She is learning dance though because she will show me what they practice. Today they got to wear their costumes for the recital, a dark purple tutu and fairy wings. Kate's tutu ended up around her neck, but she wasn't the only one she just started the trend. I think she will be a future trend setter for sure.

We went to Wheeler Farm to go on the hay ride, corn maze and pick a pumpkin with some friends. Kate could have stayed there all day she loved the animals and as I found out later, picking up rocks. Her coat pockets were full of rocks. We have been there before with Troy's work for a fun summer party.

We also did a very quick trip to AZ to see G-ma and Pa. It was a lot of fun even though it was only a 4 day trip. Kate traveled in the car really good. And we didn't have any potty accidents. She wears "unders" now with out any problem. (Her name for underwear)

Kate is mastering the art of parental manipulation. she knows all she has to do is flash that smile and give a big hug and she owns us. Especially when you are getting mad at her for being naughty. The other day after a time out before I could even get the words out she said, "Mom I understand, if I wine or cry I get a time out." I usually conclude a timeout with "If you _____then you will have a time out, do you understand?" She is a really bright girl and remembers everything. How can you not love that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shoofly Preschool

Kate is going to preschool. We are so lucky to have a talented teacher close to us to teach Kate. This is the 2nd day of school. (no batteries for the camera day 1) She has 2 friends in class with her and has 6 kids total. I will have to take a picture of the things they do in there for another post.

On the first day I asked if I could curl her hair and she said but mom its not church. I did manage to get curls.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Dance class

Kate is the front black leotard.

Its official she is a ballerina...and a painter.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am trying to upload a video of Kate swimming.
She is a fish.
A self taught fish.
A fish with no fear.
Favorite: underwater tea party.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not like me at all.

Today I watched a video by my favorite artist. I guess I had an epiphany, or her words led me to remember or realize some things my soul really needed. I don’t write like this ever but I feel like I need to keep these feeling someplace I won’t forget them again. What better place than facebook, my blog and our adoption website.

I am not one to share my feelings with others not even my husband most of the time. They are very private and I do not want to be judged or told what to do by others, funny because I am a coach by profession always telling others what to do. I live my life as a coach, observing and fixing and offering up unsolicited advice when I think I know the right way to do something. That is probably why I am sharing this, incase it helps someone else’s soul too.

So here is what I don’t want to forget: “Be where your feet are.” My above-mentioned favorite artist did a series of paintings to go with that beautiful phrase. (She is my favorite and I am being selfish by not sharing her name. Someday my garden-shed/retreat/happy-place will be filled with those paintings.if you are computer savvy you can figure it out.) No more focusing on where I was, what I could have been. Having goals of course but not taking for granted the chapter of life’s book I am currently in. Cherishing it, loving it, soaking in every moment good and bad.

“I am who I am, an individual.” As a new clueless mother I looked to those around me for examples of how to be a good mother. I have a lot of really great examples all around me; friends, neighbors, a sister, my mother, my mother-in-law, sisters-in-laws etc. Yes I am watching all of you daily. Unfortunately I have gotten caught up in my flaws and how I can never do what so an so does, or listening to conversations thinking I don’t do that, and letting it all just crush how I feel about myself as a mother, a wife, and as a person. I often felt lacking in so many ways. (If you don’t please tell me your secret.)

So when my favorite artist said, “ …I used to think that there was a thing I was supposed to be that I didn’t quite fit, …then I realized I totally made that up. God wants me to be an individual, but doing that with what I have been given.”(MFA)

Duh. It pierced my heart.

I do not have to be anyone but who I am right now in this minute. I will learn, I will fail, I will be judged, I will grow, and I will get better, I will take notes. That is all I can do. I want to say I will never forget these pearls of wisdom, but I will. (that is just me, forgetful.)

Thank you favorite artist. I know you will never read this but today you saved me.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boulder Ride 2010

Troy did it again the 23rd annual Boulder Ride. Started by Monte Bledsoe and a few others 23 years ago. From what I have learned they took a pair of flip flops and a credit card and rode about 240 miles. Circleville Utah to Torrey to Escalante back to Circleville. There are some serious climbs, decents and sprints to the city, I guess town signs. It is some of the most beautiful parts of Utah. I would recommend driving it if you are not up for a bicycle ride. Some train months, others not at all but they do it. All I can say is I hope to do it someday. I really do. But until then my sister Raegan and I are one of the wives following in the trucks, or the SAG wagon. This year I took Kate with us. She did great. There is a lot of stop and go for the SAG so she could get out and play. This year was a lot cooler in temp than last year. They had rain and hail, thunder and lightning and perfectly cool sunny mornings. From what I hear and true to this years trip we had the cop pull them over and cause a pile up. One biker lost from that due to a bent tire. Thank goodness it wasn't Troy or he would have lit into that cop even more than I imagine he did.

There was a little detour adventure this year taking another road to Antimony and then back tracking to Circleville. Again gorgeous county but rough road. It had less traffic which was safer for all especially the fearless, teenagers riding with us. Those boys were really nice to Kate. She was flirting a lot with them. (oh great) there was 15 riders total and 13 finished or did the whole thing. Arta was the only woman and on day one she ripped open her knee on a newly rocked road. She was amazing.

the pelaton

Activities in the truck.

coming up calf creek.

Beautiful glowing sister and baby whipple

right in the middle is a gray spot, that is the road.

Escalante river


Our family at the Boulder mountain summit.
Activity: drawing on rocks with markers.

Don is who all the riders want to be.

My little model.

Kate really wanted to go with the riders this morning in Torrey.

Some of the boys, they dressed the same that day Moapa Valley jerseys.

Don, Chad and Monte

Activity: glitter tiaras

Circleville start