Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We made bunny buns. It is from the friend magazine. I wonder why they put faces on the bunny buns but maybe the bunny is looking over his shoulder. Ours are just the "buns."
We got to spend the day with our friends. The play dough was a big hit. We (mom) made doggies for everyone, and a bed, and a ball, and a bone...

Kate came into my room asking for her "toes." I had no idea what she was talking about so I told her to go find them. She came back with her "tools" to fix my drawer like her dad fixes the truck.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dinner for a princess

Kate is a wiz on the iphone. It is one of her favorite things to do with her dad.

V is for volcano. Preschool craft. Edible cake volcano with frosting, candy rocks, toy dinosaurs and a tea candle to light.

The last month has been a little crazy. Kate has been a super big girl helping me. I did another IVF cycle but it didn't work, or we say the babies didn't grow. She understands a little and we all were very sad. It just isn't our time I guess.

We have also been busy with gymnastics, preschool and playing with friends. At night we are reading our scriptures and Kate has her own little mini Book of Mormon. She likes to find a number three and says she is reading that scripture. She repeats after us and reads two verses a night. But everytime we say "wherefore" she says, "wherethree" and gets mad if we don't say it too. It cracks me up. Last night it was "where-eight." Kate's sense of humor is strong and she loves to joke around all the time. To our frustration sometimes, especially when we try to get ready for bed.

She loves playing the three little pigs. One of us gets to be the wolf and we chase her around the house. This saturday we are going to a production of Peter and the Wolf. We have watched the Disney version of it and we love to sing the music around the house. I think it is a ballet and symphony for kids. Kate loves music a lot.