Saturday, December 6, 2008


The first official all day lasting hair-do. Kate actually asks for hair clips now. They only stay in a minute, but hey that's progress. If only her bangs would grow.
Aunty Bri was here for thanksgiving.
Family photo op.
Our only holiday tradition pre-kate was to go see the lights on temple square on Christmas Eve. This year we will be at Grandpa and Grandma's house so we went with everyone the day after t-day. Kate had to walk everywhere herself. And I in rushing to get everything forgot her coat and gloves on the couch at home. Luckily it was not too cold that night.
Maybe getting a picture with Santa can be a new tradtion. Kate wouldn't even walk up to Santa. I wouldn't either he wasn't very jolly that day.

We do have a new family tradition for thanksgiving. This is the FIRST ANNUAL PUMKIN LAUNCH
We chucked the pumpkins over the yard and into the canal that runs behind our home. After we ran out of our own pumkins we decided to go steel the neighbors. Barb and I hit two houses but we knocked on the door and asked to take them. We are not criminals. These new pumkins were huge and mostly landed in the back yard with two people trying to throw them at a time. It was super fun.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Whew...catching up.

Knox took a few headers at our house. He is a tough little boy. We call him crash now. Hans didn't want his picture taken.

Halloween is our favorite. Kate was a good witch. She was so cute and her and Troy had fun together.

Kate wasn't into her hat.

A few Saturday's ago we went to our Aunt Sharon's to deep clean before they returned from their mission. Here are the cleaners. Everyone worked really hard.

My first big Hike 4 miles round trip!

When I got home I gave bunny a ride in the baby Bjorn.

I really love Pa.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Funny Picture

Waking up with a new hair do! Mom walked in to get me from a nap and busted up laughing. Then she ran and got the camera.

Eating a banana. I am a picky eater and like to do everything myself. I had to have the whole banana before I would eat any of it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Walking and more...

The past two weeks have been all about books. We read and read all day long. Kate can point out dogs, cats, elephants, monkeys, and tons more. She loves her lil people book with tabs you open to find things. She has a really good memory. Again we think she will probably cure cancer or do something wonderful. (remember 99% for head size here)

For FHE monday we all rode our bikes down to the pumpkin house. They sale pumpkins for a great price. Kate picked her very own pumpkin. She calls them balls. We also decorated the house with the scary Halloween decorations. She points and says BOO! She is so funny.

We went to the zoo. Kate loved it! She pointed at everything. We spent more time holding her so she could see up close rather than riding in the jogger. It was a supper fun long day. First to Ogden for Troy's final triathlon of the season then the zoo then to the Wilk's for a BBQ. 16 hours later I think we made it home.

This was a few weeks ago. I am just slow to blog. She is a cruising now. Everywhere she can go.
Which of course means she falls and then we have to kiss it better. But she gives me a kiss, I don't kiss her booboo.

Here we are helping mom dig a hole for the "fat albert" pine we bought. Kate was the measuring stick.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am not spoiled.


First half... ...second half just one drawer...

So I started to think about the fall and winter and that maybe Kate might need some clothes or a jacket. So I hit old walmart (yes we do shop there now that I do not work. Troy just has to suck it up if he wants me to save money) I came home with a bunch of Halloween decorations and for Kate some knit pants, a hoodie, and socks and shoes to thrash outside.

Then later that day I started to go through her closet. I probably should have did that before the trip to the store. Kate has received a lot of clothes from her cousins and the neighbor girls that are a few years older than her. Turns out after pulling out the next size 18months, well she has 5 jackets, 7 pairs of pants, 23 dresses, 13 skirts and well a lot more. WOW what a wardrobe for a 13 month old. She is lacking for nothing right now and I don't need to buy her any new clothes until she is probably 3. I have to add these are very nice hand-me-downs too.

I am so grateful for these clothes. Today we will hit walmart to return some things.

Kate is getting so independent. I finally gave in and let her feed herself some mac and cheese. It ended up everywhere and was a fun finger painting activity after she finished eating. Its hard to tell but her face and hair are covered in cheese.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My First Triathlon

Saturday was Kate's first triathlon. We wouldn't have made it there with out her. Dad set 3 alarms for 5:30am the only problem was we were supposed to leave at 4:45am. So when Kate cried at 4:38am there was a bit of panic. We made in plenty of time though. Troy likes to be there early anyways so we had a big window.

Now to clarify Troy did this Triathlon, Brooke and Kate watched. On the ride down Kate slept, Troy drove and Brooke pretended to catch some ZZZ's. We got there and it was so cold. 44degrees. We hung out in the car watching Baby Divinci and eating yogurt for the first time. (Those of you who really know Troy know that eating in his new little car is a big deal. We had no spills.)

There were about 300 participants. Troy did well finishing in the top 15 over all I think. We don't have official times yet. They used a really weird timing system. The athletes had to wave their wristband over a box at every transition. Then I think there was some technical difficulties or something.

While Troy pushed his body to the limit Kate and I walked around checking out all the doggies. I guess people who like to Tri like Dogs. There was dogs of all sizes. We had a very fun saturday.

Sunday was a pretty fun day too. Regional Stake conference and BBQ'in with Troy.

Dad doesn't take steriods but he sure does drink a bunch of protein and recovery shakes. I like to play in the pantry.

All my friends ride on their scooters at my house. Someone left one by me and I had to try it out. (all by myself)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Its September!

Wow its September. Life is cruising fast. I feel like I can hardly keep up with Kate. She is not officially walking yet but she has taken a few steps around the house. She would rather hold your hand and walk or crawl. She has excellent balance though and will dance and even try to jump when she is standing.

She now says hi, bye, and da along with the good oldies ma and ba. She makes the funniest faces. Troy looked at me the other day and he made one of Kate's "faces" so I think she gets them from him. She still loves her friends that come over daily Ashley and Krissa. She cries when they leave.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kate is one! We had a fun birthday party planned. Starting with the family over for a BBQ, cupcakes and presents. Then an outdoor movie to celebrate with the neighbors and ward. Kate is sort of a celebrity. Everyone loves her so much. So we thought we would treat people to home made icecream and homemade rootbeer. Well 15 minutes before party time a notorious summer storm hit. It was a wicked one too. So some people came over those brave souls enduring the wind and rain. We celebrated inside. It was a crazy fun evening. Kate crashed out around 9:30pm but the party went on. We have wonderful loving neighbors that we adore.

As far as her one year doctor appointment. She is growing and is a normal little happy girl. Except when she goes to the doctor. She just cries the minute the nurse tries to measure her for height. I couldn't even get her settled down for the doctor, poor little girl. She survived vaccinations and all. Kate is 50 percentile for height, 29 inches; 50 percentile for weight, 21lbs; and 99 percentile for head size. She will definitely be curing cancer or doing something fabulous with that brain.

The next day we headed south to spend a few days with her aunt Bri and tending the nephews Hans and Knox. (just for the record brad & angeolina did not think that one up first) We got to experience what it would be like to basically care for twins and a 3 year old. Whew I am tired but Kate was in heaven.

While there we went to see some dolphins and white tigers at the Mirage Hotel. It was a hot day! but fun!

New trick: Kate can fold her arms and bow her head. She will even close her eyes sometimes. It is the cutest thing ever.