Monday, August 17, 2009

Pioneer Day Celebration

Our ward had a small celebration on the 24th of July. There was tons of yummy chili, cornbread, and rootbeer. Felt like more than half of the ward was gone off on family celebrations of their own but for those who attended they got to see the parade. People gathered at our house to watch. It started off with the young boys on their bike flying down the hill, racing to the end. So that was kind of quick. Then followed the young kids and parents helping to keep them on the road and on task. The finale was Kenton zooming past us on his long board. Then we all headed up to the Bishop's house for the delicious food. So for those of you who missed it, you missed out on a fun friendly exchange of "ward-i-ness". Maybe next year...

this was all I could get they were so fast. that is Parker.

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