Sunday, October 31, 2010

More October fun...


This cute fairy is Terrance from the Tinker Bell Movies. He is showing us how to fly. Terrence is a pixie dust fairy.

After surveying the entire neighborhood the majority said Troy looked 10 years younger with hair. This was very important to him.

Silver Mist and Tinker Bell.

At dad's work party Trick or Treating.

This is Kate's Preschool Class. Her teacher is awesome. She also loves Halloween.

This little Fairy did not want her picture taken.

These two decided to draw with markers all over their face and arms. It is hard to see though.

Monday, October 25, 2010


October has gone by way too fast. Kate is loving preschool. Her teacher is so creative and that is perfect for Kate. She comes home singing new songs and playing new games she has learned there. Dance class, well,I know she likes going there. But I sadly have to admit she is the child that when they say run in a circle this way. She automatically goes "that" way. She takes cuts, and is usually trying to take off some part of her outfit. We haven't gotten naked yet, but it has been close. She often comes running out and tells me she just needs to give me a kiss and a hug. She has such a fun personality. She is learning dance though because she will show me what they practice. Today they got to wear their costumes for the recital, a dark purple tutu and fairy wings. Kate's tutu ended up around her neck, but she wasn't the only one she just started the trend. I think she will be a future trend setter for sure.

We went to Wheeler Farm to go on the hay ride, corn maze and pick a pumpkin with some friends. Kate could have stayed there all day she loved the animals and as I found out later, picking up rocks. Her coat pockets were full of rocks. We have been there before with Troy's work for a fun summer party.

We also did a very quick trip to AZ to see G-ma and Pa. It was a lot of fun even though it was only a 4 day trip. Kate traveled in the car really good. And we didn't have any potty accidents. She wears "unders" now with out any problem. (Her name for underwear)

Kate is mastering the art of parental manipulation. she knows all she has to do is flash that smile and give a big hug and she owns us. Especially when you are getting mad at her for being naughty. The other day after a time out before I could even get the words out she said, "Mom I understand, if I wine or cry I get a time out." I usually conclude a timeout with "If you _____then you will have a time out, do you understand?" She is a really bright girl and remembers everything. How can you not love that.