This is my summer project. I did a lot by myself. But I had some help too. So thanks to my Parents, Chance, Brent and Braden, for the slave labor and yes Troy even managed a few hours too. I like how it turned out. But the best will be in a few years after everything grows for a while. I can hardly wait for next spring.
This is my yard in the winter.
I found a great stone yard by the railroad tracks in American fork and for about a 1/3rd of the cost of the other big stone yards I bought two pallets of limestone quarried in Manti, Utah. Not to mention great service and tips for building my wall and patio.
New garden boxes complete. Someday I want red brick boxes but that will come later along with a 6x8 barn style shed. For now that area is "Kate's dirt" her sandbox.
I bought this table and chair set when we first moved into the house 9 years ago. I knew someday it would have this place to live.
The garden grew! And gave us swiss chard, peas, spinach, tomotoes, potatoes, banana peppers jalepenos and basil.
So this is what used to live there. I always have awesome gardens. Is it luck or a gift passed down from my late Grandma to my Dad to me. I like to think it is the second. Green thumbs.
ALL DONE...for now.
What will be next...