Monday, February 23, 2009

What to say...

Sometimes, well a lot of times, I just don't have much to say. So I am forcing my brain to try and recall memorable things to say. Pretty much this will all just be random ramblings.

Lets start with Troy. He got a job, a new road bike, and a cold from all of the stress. He is really liking his new job at Control4 they do home automation. Someday if I disappear it is probably because the computer controlling our home has taken over and trapped us or Troy has lost it and locked me in the house all by using his iphone (he doesn't have one yet.)

We got called to be nursery leaders. Basically babysitting for about 2 hours kids 18 months to 3 years of age. Troys dream job, not so much mine. We have learned about the peepee dance, snacks, germs, singing time and 2minute lessons.

I have been coaching a club volleyball team of 15-18year-olds. We took first place in the Las Vegas Classic 18 club division.(164 teams) They were great! In system almost all of the time. The rest of the time is spent with Kate. I have learned how to make rolls from scratch by hand, literally no Bosch involvement at all. (thanks Luisa) I am looking forward to spring and getting my garden plans fired up.

Kate is 19 months on thursday. She runs, climbs, jumps, and explores everything. The other night as she was crying to stay awake in her crib I watched her take a bottle and feed her bear-bear. She has a good imagination developing. We bake cakes in her play kitchen, color with crayons, ride around on the plasma car, feed Mac, feed the fish, FEED OURSELF, do the dishes together, get snacks and love to bounce on the horse and the jonny jumper. We are getting ready for swim class the end of March and thinking about dance/tumbling classes. Do they even do that for toddlers? Who knows?

Kate is starting to say a little more, NO is still the favorite, dada, moma, ma (mac), bow (elbow), toe, na (knox) and Bear. The words are coming but it is still easier for her to sign so she does that. Kate still plays with Ashley and Krissa. Her new playmates are Eden, Malia, and sometimes Carter and Cooper.

So that is what we are up to. Nothing glamorous, just simple and Just us three.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Presidents Day Weekend/ Valentines Day.

Kate got to stay with her Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Raegan this weekend while I went and coached volleyball in Las Vegas. Her is some of the fun.

Hans, Knox, and Kate

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


NO...Do you want to eat? Do you want to get down? Do you want to come with me? NO, that is the answer I get to everything now. I always new Kate was very independent, from the first day, I knew. That need to do things herself is so strong. She is learning and growing so fast I can hardly keep up with her.

Kate all of a sudden loves the johnny jumper again and goes crazy jumping around.
She has figured out how to ride the plasma car all by herself. (I highly recommend you get one holds up to 250 lbs and is hours of fun when you are trapped in the house for the winter.
She loves to play with her friend Eden.
Mom and Dad got called to be nursery leaders just in time for Kate to go to nursery. yeah.
Dad got a new job!
Mom started coaching club volleyball.
We got a fish tank.